Message from the Chairman

We ended the season yesterday in the sunshine with a bonus point victory over Carmarthen Quins which was a fitting way to bid farewell to the large number of squad members who are retiring or moving on. On behalf of everyone at Aberavon I would like to thank them all for their time at the Wizards and to wish them all well in their futures both on and off the field.  Also a huge thanks to Jamie Davies who is stepping down from his coaching role after a period of well over twenty years with us firstly as our record points scorer and then moving seamlessly into coaching, thank you Jamie from us all.

Thank you to Joe Gage and all the squad for all your hard work during the season, similarly to Jason and all the coaching and support staff plus all the volunteers that help us every week. Enjoy your well deserved break.

Obviously given the number of players leaving new signings have and will continue to be made as we prepare for the new EDC competition, on that note a big thank you to everyone who was involved in the successful EDC application namely Jason, Chris Davies and my two daughters Nia and Katie.

Most importantly a big thank you to our supporters and sponsors for your support during what has been at times a difficult season, your support is much appreciated and valued.

Thank you everyone.
